
GeoAI Report

Published Report Describing Model Deployed by ATR/BPN

scikit-learn SciPy Keras TensorFlow PyTorch

Update v.1
Adding reports of GeoAI-Parcel Shape Classification and Tree Species Detection models to the repo

A Collection of reports obtained from testing Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI) by the AI Research Team to ensure quality and transparency to the public. Reports include:

Deployed Models

Deployed models are models being used currently by the team to produce the desired thematic maps | Model | Version | Task | Report Status | | —— | —— | —— | —— | | Parcel Shape Classification | | Classifying land parcel shape | | | Tree Species Detection | | Detecting tree species in land parcel | |

Models in Development

Models in development represent models being developed and not ready to be deployed before passing testing phase

Any GeoAI models are subject to change. Models may differ slightly or entirely from previous versions depending on the needs of ATR/BPN. Please stay updated through this page if you plan to use ATR/BPN thematic data.



Any request or report can be delivered through our geoportal